Our Ref: UN-EcoSoc/2022/350 – Consultation – Response to Call for Input
Date: 06 May 2022
Re: Call For Input: Visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran
OHCHR | Call for input – Visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran
This document presents the response of ArcDH to the Call for Input for the Special Rapporteur’s visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran, from 7 to 18 May 2022 in relation to the so-called unilateral coercive measures as per provisions of Resolution A/HRC/RES/27/21.
ArcDH is an NGO human rights organization, registered in France in 2010 and is appointed as a Special Adviser to the UN ECOSOC in 2021. We respond to the questionnaires but after their critical examinations and note that the Call for Input is not making references to existing conditions in Iran. Therefore, our Response is in two Parts:
Part I outlines the generic failing in the Call for Input in connecting with the reality in Iran
Part II presents our specific responses to the questionnaires.
ArcDH wishes to stress the fear that the questionnaire seems biased to provide the Iranian authorities with the ammunition to divert the attention from their policy failings, and their racist and discriminatory practices. Additionally, no individual or NGOs name is introduced for consultation, as there is not enough guarantee for their safety.
Yours sincerely
Association Arc